Monday, February 22, 2010

Newport Feb 18th-21st

Mike had a work conference he had to work/attend this weekend. Spouses were invited to come and all was paid for by the army! Whoo Hoo! a free trip to the beach.... yessssss! The down side was that Mike was pretty busy and we both had meetings we had to go to. But still all expenses paid including food!?! so worth it!
We got to Newport Thursday around lunch time. Mike had a couple of things to do to get ready for the conference and then we had free time time till people started to arrive. The weather was WONDERFUL! it was warm and there was no wind... which all Oregonians know that is a rare treat. So we went for a long walk on the beach.

Friday, Mike was gone for most of the day in and out of meetings and working. I had one meeting in the afternoon which I thought was pretty boring but I did learn a couple of things about the army family programs I didn't know before. The National Guard has so many programs and benefits for families. A huge plus for us! I think that its safe to say that anything I possibly need they have it available for very little cost or even free. I know so many people have had negative experiences and its sad to see the bad attitudes that people have towards it. It has its downs but you deal it. That's life anyways right? I really do love it, I am proud to be an army wife. The kids love the army too, everything about it is exciting to them.
After Friday I must say I have a new appreciation for what mike does. His new position that is. Iv always know what he does but never seen him in action. His boss keeps him on his toes. Lets just say his boss made me stressed out just watching him. Long story short but Mikes boss is a very particular type of person and even if a table is just an inch out of place from where he wants it he will notice and want it fixed, pronto. So mike was pretty MIA all day Friday. We had a nice dinner banquet thing that night and then spent a good 2 hours at the pool and hot tub.

Saturday, Mike was gone most of the day again. I had no meetings so I showered and headed out to the outlet mall in Lincoln City! I scored big time there! Big sales every where! Sweeeeet! After that I headed back to the hotel. I watched a movie, Radio, which by the way is a fantastic movie! and then went out onto the beach again to enjoy the warm sun and spend some time with God. Mike was done around 3ish, we went for another long walk on the beach. Went to dinner at Moe's, Mmmmm! my Favorite! and then we stayed in for the evening watching TV.

Sunday, we packed up and did some shopping before we left for home! All in all it was a good weekend and the weather was the icing on the cake! I'm loving this sun shine. I think its safe to say that I have spring fever now:)

1 comment:

Cailie said...

Sounds like you had a good time! You never see the skies that blue at the Oregon coast! I'm excited to hear about your good deals:) :)